
Shakti - Save, Educate and Empower Girl Child

4:55 pm

What is Shakti?

Why Shakti?

Get Involved With Shakti

Being young and being a student is to be in power. Yes, truly it is because student has the power to do a lot. You can be a very active participant in the movement of Shakti. Try doing any or all of the following:
  • Show the power-point presentation on Shakti in your school.
  • Create awareness by putting Shakti posters on your school notice board.
  • Take permission to keep Shakti book in your library.
  • Encourage your fellow students to form a Shakti-kitty to raise funds for the education of needy girls.
  • Initiate to keep a topic of one of your competitions on how girls are the power-house of energy and the future of our nation.
  • Form a group of friends who are interested to work for the cause and discuss among yourselves – what you can do for Shakti.
  • Generate awareness in your family & friends about the cause of Shakti and educate them to save girls, educate girls and empower girls.
  • Gift Shakti Calendars to your teachers.

In today’s jet age, companies are playing a phenomenal role in bringing a change in society. As a company you are in a much better position to help the education of needy girls. You can help Shakti educate and empower girls in the following ways:
  • Circulate a Shakti awareness e-mail in your network of staff.
  • Sponsor the education of girls.
  • Encourage your employees to opt for regular monthly/annual donations towards the cause. First company should take the step, only that will motivate employees.
  • Distribute Shakti T-shirts on any celebrative occasion.
  • Promote the message of Shakti – Save Girls…Educate Girls…Empower Girls by printing it on your merchandise.
  • Include Shakti as part of your corporate social responsibility.

The makers of home are in the best position to make the career of the girl-child. Being a house-wife, you run errands and do dozens of chores in a day, look after your family, shower your love and care on them unconditionally…what else can indicate the immense potential of a housewife. You can participate in Shakti in the following way:
  • You can raise funds to educate needy girls through your group of friends.
  • If you are a member of a club, you can create awareness by putting up posters and raising funds.
  • You can share the cause of Shakti with your family members and encourage them to promote it in the best of their capability.
  • If you can think of any other idea, write to us.

Being a professional is to have expert knowledge in a particular profession and having an expertise is like having an influence…so you can shape the thinking of your associates. So gear up to make the first move now –
  • You can create awareness about the cause by gifting Shakti pack to your associates.
  • Encourage your friends, family, clients and associates to adopt the education of needy girls under the Shakti fold.
  • Spread the message of Shakti through your means.
  • Show the presentation of Shakti to your professional/personal gathering.

In today’s time, employee is the boss when it comes to creative and innovative potential. So here is another opportunity for you to unleash your skills in promoting the cause of Shakti. Attempt any or all of the following:
  • Take an initiative to upload the presentation of Shakti on your intranet, to create awareness about the cause.
  • Forward Shakti awareness e-mail to your network.
  • Take an initiative to propose Shakti as part of Corporate Social Responsibility of your company.
  • Shakti posters can be put up on the notice boards.
  • Encourage your friends, colleagues to take active part in educating the needy girls and if they commit to adopt the education of these girls, you can take the responsibility to let them reach us.

For more info please visit this link MISSION SHAKTI.

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